Roxanna Plantain in the History of Cheshire and Sullivan Counties, New Hampshire


Roxanna Plantain in the History of Cheshire and Sullivan Counties, New Hampshire
In 1886, William Briggs contributed the names of everyone buried in the Washington Cemetery to the County History. He records, "No.362.--Roxanna Plantain, died June 26, 1843, aged 46. [she was colored and once a slave]"
University of New Hampshire Library
Carroll, J.
Washington Cemetery, Keene, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, US
Bibliographic Citation
History of Cheshire and Sullivan Counties, New Hampshire, edited by D. Hamilton Hurd (Philadelphia: J.W. Lewis & Co., 1886), 63,
Individual Mentioned
extracted text
" Tell
O'er some dear
She whom they

those who sigh
friend's untimely doom
all must die ;
saw laid in the tomb,

In God's own paradise may bloom."
No. 344. — In memory of Ellen Sophia, fourth
daughter of John and Diantha Prentiss, who died
Dec. 28, 1825, aged 14 years and 8 months.
" Dust to its narrow home beneath,
Soul to its place on high ;
They that have seen thy look in death,
No more may fear to die."
No. 345. — Edmund S., son of John and Diantha
Prentiss, died May 23, 1846, aged 26.
No. 346.— Sacred to the memory of George A.
Prentiss, commodore United States Navy, son oi
John and Diantha Prentiss, who died April 8, 1868,
aged 59.
" His hands are folded on his breast,
The long disquiet merged in rest,
How sink the brave who sink to rest,
By all their country's wishes blest."
No. 347.— Geo. W. Prentiss, of New York, died
Feb. 28, 1829, aged 37.
No. 348.— Charles P. Perkins, died Dec. 4, 1850,
aged 46.
No. 349.— Mary P. Perkins, died Aug. 14, 1853,
aged 49.
No. 350.— Mary L., daughter of Charles P. and
Mary F. Perkins, died Sept. 5, 1832, aged 2.
No. 351. — Charles Henry, son of Charles P. and
Mary F. Perkins, died June 1, 1838, aged 5.
No. 352.— Ferdinand Preckle, died Nov. 19, 1833,
aged 39.
No. 353.— Ann
aged 21.

C. Parsons, died Feb. 10, 1833,

" She was amiable, unassuming, conscientious, and
faithful in the discharge of duty. The grave of the
young, whose health and vigor jjromised many coming years, teaches the living the importance of a constant trust in God, thus to be prepared for affliction,
disease and death.
No. 354.— James Parker, died April 27, 1862, aged
No. 355. — Martha, wife of James Parker, died July
28, 1850, aged 64.
No. 356. — Sarah E., daughter of James and Martha
Parker, died Dec. 14, 1838, aged 17.
" Dearest sister thou hast left us,
And thy loss Ave deeply feel ;
But 'tis God that has bereft us ;
He can all our sorrows heal."
No. 357.— Jonathan Parker, died Aug. 28, A. i>.
1817, in the 56th year of his age.
No. 358. — Hepsibeth, wife of Jonathan Parker, died
Nov. 21, 1848, aged 84.


No. 359.— Esther P., wife of L. B. Page, died Feb.
27, 1870, aged 70.
No. 360.— Alden L., son ofL. B. and E. P. Page, of
Co. C, 2d Peg. Maine Vols., died July 4, 1862, aged
No. 361.— Esther L., daughter of L. B. and E. P
Page, died May 5, 1841, aged 7 years.
No. 362.— Roxanna Plantain,1 died June 26, 1843,
aged 46.
No. 363. — Putnam (granite monument).
No. 364. — Edward Poole, a native of Danvers, Mass.,
died May 7, 1847, aged 34.
No. 365.— Helen Poole, died Nov. 17, 1846, aged 22
No. 366. — Hannah Iv. Perham, wife of Geo. W.
died at Nashville, N. H., Oct. 8, 1849, aged
No. 367. — Relief, wife of Samuel Payson, died July
13, 1857, aged 79.
" In that bright world which follows this,
May each repeat in words of bliss,
We're all, all here."
No. 368. — Ella F., daughter of James H. andSusan
Payson, died May 1, 1855, aged 2 years and 4 months.
" Safe in Heaven, and so soon."
No. 369.— Hulda Pond, born Aug. 7, 1777, died
March 23, 1864.
No. 370.— Mrs. Sarah McNiel, wife of David Richardson, died April 2d, 1814, aged 24.
No. 371. — Hon. Josiah Richardson, died Feb. 20,
1820, aged 74.
No. 372. — Artemas Richardson, died Nov. 4, 1845,
aged 51.
No. 373.— Charles Richardson, died Jan. 20, 1848,
aged 16.
No. 374.— Martha M. Richardson, died April 6,
1863, aged 26.
No. 375. — Alexander Rolston, a native of Falkirk,
lied March 29, 1810, aged 64.

"In mv'distress I called my God,
When I could scarce believe him mine ;
He bowed his ear to my complaint,
Then did his grace appear divine."
No. 376. — Jannett, wife of Alexander Rolston, a
native of Falkirk, Scotland, died June 11, 1833, aged
31.No. 377.— Levi Russell, died Sept. 21, 1831, aged
Eliza Emeline Russell died Nov. 16, 1832, aged 5
years and 9 months ; Mary F. W. died Jan. 29, 1832,
aged 7 months; daughters of Levi and Elizabeth
No. 378. — Rebecca A. Martin, wife of Jeduthun
Russell, died Feb. 17, 1863, aged 74.
1 She was colored and once a, slave.